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Wind power is the use of wind energy to generate useful work. Historically, wind power was used by sails, windmills and windpumps, but today it is mostly used to generate electricity. This article deals only with wind power for electricity generation. Today, wind power is generated almost completely with wind turbines, generally grouped into wind farms and connected to the electrical grid.

In 2023, wind supplied over 2000 TWh of electricity, which was over 7% of world electricity and about 2% of world energy With about 100 GW added during 2021, mostly in China and the United States, global installed wind power capacity exceeded 800 GW.[4][3][5] To help meet the Paris Agreement goals to limit climate change, analysts say it should expand much faster - by over 1% of electricity generation per year.[6

Our Servises

Wind is a type of clean energy

The wind’s kinetic energy turns a generator in the structure that creates electricity. Modern wind turbines are extremely efficient at turning even light breezes into electricity.

Wind is a renewable energy source

Another advantage of wind energy is that it is renewable energy. It comes from wind, which is a naturally occurring resource that doesn’t get used up


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Wind turbines save space

Another factor in the wind power pros and cons equation is the fact that it is space efficient and fits well with other land uses.

Wind power generation promotes

Harnessing wind power is economically beneficial beyond wind energy being inexpensive to produce.

Free Fuel

Since wind turbines themselves run strictly on the power of wind generated, there is no need for fuel.

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We Make Green Energy & Renewable Energy

Vision :

Wind energy will be the leading technology in transforming the global energy supply structure towards a truly sustainable energy future based on indigenous, non-polluting and competitive renewable technologies.

Mission :

Through effective communication and its engagement in the political decision-making processes, it is EWEA's objective to facilitate national and international policies and initiatives that strengthen the development of European and global wind energy markets, infrastructure and technology in order to achieve a more sustainable and cleaner energy future.

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